Monday, September 19, 2011

Fatherhood and the Stay at Home Storyteller

As you all know I am getting ready to be dad here in a couple of months. In many ways it has already started. I have been blessed with the situation of being able to stay at home and write “full time”. While that has always been my goal I feel that I have less time to write now then I had before. This is only compounded with the fact that my wife is pregnant and doesn’t have the energy to do a lot of things. As such I find myself spending more time trying to keep the house in order so that she can come home from work and crash on the couch.

Trying to come up with a writing schedule on top of all this has been difficult. I have always had a strong desire to tell stories. I have so many ideas in my head that it literally keeps me up at night. some may call that a good time to get it down on paper I find that come morning I have no idea what it was I was trying to say. So any time i have seems to go to working on my never ending, always growing book series that i cant seem to complete.

So now as fatherhood comes ever closer i ask myself when will i find the time to write? I then think of why I am writing at all. The only answer i have had for the longest time was  that I had stories to tell in a world desperate for new stories. I now have a new motivator, my little girl that is soon to enter that very world and she will want stories. I have become determined to complete my work on ‘The Therrian Legacy’ so that when she is much older she can see what it was her daddy did. I will also be writing her stories filled with the things that she wants. While I will be sharing these stories with the world they will still be hers and she will grow up never wanting for a good original story.

I look forward to again be working with my good friends here. I also look forward to working with others who eventually join our ranks as storytellers.


K. Rex said...

Brother... you only THINK you're having a hard time finding the time to write.

After that baby arrives, you'll look back and wonder why you wasted all that extra time you used to have.

As a father of two girls, I used to think I was busy. I know you'll think I'm kidding or that I don't know your situation, but trust me when I say, you're only just hitting the "tip" of being busy.

Todd Newton said...

It seems to be a giant challenge to find the right balance. Either we have too much time and not enough motivation, or we really want to write but just can't find the time. Everyone says that a schedule is the best way to deal with that but, if your schedule constantly changes, establishing a routine is impossible.

Just have to find what works best for you (the royal you, now).

Erik said...

I've never had a real schedule when I was writing regularly... although I was pretty normal about how I would approach it.

What I *would* do though is look at my day and think of when would be the best/easiest time for me to sit down for two hours or so and write. (Less if necessary, but for my usual goals, given distractions, etc... I needed about two hours).

The East Coaster said...

Dude, you nailed it. You'll write because your daughter will one day read. You'll write so she'll discover one more way her father is awesome.

Congrats on starting on this new road of fatherhood. I get the feeling this kid is going to have a life her friends will be jealous of.

Small Town Shelly Brown said...

That first comment made me laugh. I'm a SAHM of 5.
Never finding time is a human problem that never seems to go away.