Friday, September 09, 2011

A Writer's Duty

This quote has stuck with me since I read it during the #trust30 project. Thought I'd share and see if it sticks with you as well.

"As a writer, your only duty is to be original, to inspire, to put something new on paper. Don't be reasonable--your job is to fire up people's imaginations, to give them permission to dream, and to lift their heads up to the incredible sight of the stars. They may forget what you wrote about, but they will never forget how you made them feel." --Ben von Burg

Is it too touchy-feely, or do you think it nails what a writer should be focused on?


Gabe Thexton said...

I don't think it's touchy-feely at all. I find it freeing and unbinding at the front, and I find positive challenge at the end.

I think it's pretty dead on. Though I don't know if I'd appreciate my content being completely forgot for the sake of the emotion. We're storytellers are we not? The story has some importance.

Erik said...


It's a bit touchy feely... certainly not something I'D say matches with my view on writing... so maybe it's aimed at authors. ;)

Seriously though, not necessarily 100% what I'd agree with, but something I can appreciate... and I think the author of the quote would be happy with that.

Todd Newton said...

Fair enough. So long as it gets you thinking, eh?

Giles Hash said...

I don't think it's touchy-feely. It's the very expression of what I want to accomplish. :D

S.S.Marks said...

I agree with Erik in that it's not 100% what I agree with, but it still hits home the fact that we are all story tellers.Our stories should grab our audience through their emotions and their imaginations. As for me my goal is not to simply have the reader remember how they felt but what it was that led them to that feeling.