Ok… This is going to be rough because it’s pure concept and it’s not going to actually be written until I get a little further in my story. The idea is actually inspired by Gabe’s Flatiron Jack; A separate blog that advances the main story. What I hope to do is actually have two of them going for the two main characters. The rough part may be when I decide to change who the main characters are. Take for instance this first entry, Akire is devious… how long will she last? I aint sayin’. I wouldn’t update them that often, probably every 4-5 posts or so… about one ‘day’ in the story. They’d be journals for the protagonists. Like I said, this is as rough a draft as it can get because developments in the story will influence it. It will be a nice escape for me… get in the character’s heads. Help me understand them better. It will also be a complete change of writing style – third person to first… and I won’t be as obsessed with painting a picture with my words. (Note: I’ve passed my 110 word minimum… so I’m not sure how much effort I’ll put into this now :-D)
Akire’s Journal entry –
Journey day 45.
My attempts to track my target down have been much harder than anticipated. I assume that’s why the idea of a mobile business and home was so attractive to him. My plans were almost foiled by those drunken idiots tonight. Someday I’ll have to go back and clean up that stupid death letter that’s out on me. Dead men can’t pay warrants. Despite the fact that these men recognized me, I was taken in to my target’s own lair, and now I am excrutiatingly close to finishing what I set out to do. I’ll have to pick my time carefully though, because it would only be worse to have another death letter out for me. I’m slowly working towards completing all my goals, and I do hope to find a home someday. Can’t do that if I leave too long of a crimson trail in my wake. I’m playing fairly innocent for now, so I have to head off to bed… I can’t sleep… Haven’t in days… but playing the beautiful-weary-traveler can only help my goals.
Ok… so I’m not overly happy with what I’ve written, so it’ll probably be entirely different when I do write it.
And why would someone like Akire keep a journal that could condemn her? Writer’s convenience.
I like it! Good Job!
Nothing like praising yourself, huh?
I like it, too, and may, in fact, be more excited about the journals than the story. What a fun way to do things.
Sometimes I write journal entries for the main character of a story I'm writing. It helps to get to know the inside of their head, even if you never plan to actually publish that particular piece. I like this; it's deep and showcases more than just "I went to the store. I bought bread. I went home." type of stuff.
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